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June Summary

June has been a major, and successful month for us with the launch of our report! We were really excited to finally get to present all of the research we’ve been working on and celebrate the work that’s been done at the launch event. We led up to the launch event sharing what exactly the report would consist of and revealing some of the key statistics. Behind the scenes there was lots of nervous time spent making final checks! Overall, the launch was a great opportunity for people to engage with our student perspective and knowledge of the issues we are interested in. We were really pleased that discussion sparked conversation and debate in the chat amongst experts in the field. We’ve been pleased that there’s been a large number of requests for the report and are excited to see what comes of having our recommendations out there. We’d like to thank ProtectED again for all their help with the report and launch. We appreciate so much the support we’ve received from different organisations and the enthusiasm to share what we’re doing.

This month with self- care day coming up, we wanted to turn our content away slightly from the research and focus on sharing resources and our own suggestions to remind the graduates and students who follow us to take care of themselves as they come to the end of the academic year! At the end of the day the protection and wellbeing of students is what we do this for!

Congratulations to all 2021 graduates and thank you to everyone for their support with the report launch!

Love, RTC

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